1 Aug 2022 | 4 min Read
Reema Shah
Author | 740 Articles
Is your child easily distracted and not able to focus on any task? A child who is easily distracted at school could have attention deficit disorder (ADHD). However, it can only be confirmed by a medical professional.
A child may not seem to be listening or paying attention at school or during any task and is easily distracted. This can lead to him/her missing lessons, instructions and directions. These simple tips are useful for any child who is easily distracted.
You can set a timer for anything and that includes simple tasks like brushing their teeth, having a meal or even playtime. Timers are great to help a distracted child focus. When your child has limited time to do something, it can also challenge them and motivate them to complete their task.
You know what your child likes and dislikes, alternate between those high-interest and low-interest activities whenever possible. For instance, keep the periods of the lessons short or vary the pace in between lessons.
Avoid yelling at your child if he/she doesn’t settle down easily to do his/her homework. There are instances where every parent feels pushed to their extreme and occasionally loses their patience. Keep calm and communicate with your child patiently. Even if you yell or scream at your child at times, apologise to him/her and let them know that you love them.
Make a daily task chart for your child, either by creating a colourful sheet or on a whiteboard. Include all tasks like brushing the teeth, having breakfast, finishing assignments and so on. You can cross off each task after your child is done or ask your child to do it. There might still be times when your child will do something unrelated to the plan, but putting it out there can help bring things on track.
If you notice that your child is suddenly having trouble at school, take him/her to the paediatrician to get a vision and hearing test. There are possibilities that a child is not able to express the troubles of being able to hear or see clearly. It will also confirm if the child has any special condition that needs special attention.
Some children tend to be hyperactive and are unable to sit calmly. You can help your child channel the extra energy that they have into many creative and useful activities. Whether it’s a physical activity like sports, swimming or yoga, let them pick an activity they like and get them to do it. It will also help them learn an extra skill.
Carefully monitor to see the moments in which your child gets easily distracted. Note down the contributing factors, the times of the day and other related observations. See what your child is doing well and the areas that you need to address. Once you’re able to identify a few triggers, you can create a plan.
If your child is old enough, talk to him/her about your observations. However, don’t forget to include their strengths as well. You can then together come up with solutions.
It can take some time to find what works best for a child who is easily distracted. Let us know what has worked for your child in the comments!
Suggestions offered by doctors on BabyChakra are of advisory nature i.e., for educational and informational purposes only. Content posted on, created for, or compiled by BabyChakra is not intended or designed to replace your doctor's independent judgment about any symptom, condition, or the appropriateness or risks of a procedure or treatment for a given person.