<strong>Interesting Indian Twin Baby Names To Give Your Little Ones</strong>

Interesting Indian Twin Baby Names To Give Your Little Ones

9 Dec 2022 | 9 min Read

Nidhi Pandey

Author | 47 Articles

For parents, having twins is an exciting and emotional moment. Families are involved, and suggestions for baby names are flying throughout the house. Having twins is genuinely miraculous, despite the fact that it may initially seem overwhelming.

Having twin babies is a once-in-a-lifetime adventure, and it gets even more interesting when you decide on twins names. Since twin babies frequently have similar features and appearances, giving them names is usually enjoyable for the parents and the entire family. It establishes a unique link between the babies and makes for a great lifelong story. To make your life easier, we’ve compiled this list of the top Indian twins baby names, which you can discover below.

Twins Baby Boy Names

Here are a few of the top twin baby boy names in India that you can choose for your young children.

AkbarThe ruler of kingsBirbalBrave Heart
AjitInvincible, Irresistible, Unsurpassed.RanjitVictorious 
AmarImmortal, long-livedAzharLuminous, Brilliant, Radiant, Shining, or Clear
AnuroopHandsome, attractiveAnuragDevotion, passion, attachment, and eternal love
ArunThe crimson glow of the rising sun, Dawn, PassionateVarunLord of water, Neptune, A supreme Vedic God
AyushAge, a man, long-lived, one having a long life.KhushHappy, joy, delight
AmritNectar, Nectar of immortalityArpitTo donate, to give or offer something, dedicated.
RutvijGuru, TeacherRitvikPriest
AmbakLord ShivaAmbarSky
AzaadLiberal, free, independentShazaadKing’s son, a prince
ArthMeaningSamarthLord Krishna; Powerful; A powerful man; one who is efficient
AyanThe lucky oneYuvanStrong; Healthy; Young; A Name of Lord Shiva.
AtharvLord Ganesha and the name of the first VedAyanshPart of parents
AnkitConqueredArpitTo donate, to give or to offer
AadiBeginning, the startAnantInfinite, uncountable
ArnavOcean, foaming seaPranavHindu trinity (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva)
ArshCrown or ThrownDarshLord Krishna
AyaanGift of God, rays of the rising sunKayaanName of a dynasty of king Kaikobad
AmitInfinite or immeasurable or boundlessSumitA good friend; Well measured
AtulIncomparable or matchless or uniqueAmulValuable, having high value
AbhayWithout Fear or FearlessNirbhayFearless or without fear
AkshitEyeRakshitProtected, Guarded
AnishSupreme, the ultimateTanishAmbition
AnshA portion of something, a partVanshComing generation of father or Generation
AahilA person who shows the way to others, GuideRahilThe one who often travels, Traveller
AahanSunrise, a good morningAarushFirst ray of sun in the winter
AadeshInstruction; orderSandeshMessage
AakashSkyAvanRuler of the earth; one who rules the earth
AchalConstantAkhilComplete, World
AnujYounger brotherTanujRising Sun
BevisHandsome faceBevanSon of Evan
BrianHigh or NobleRyanLittle king or Illustrious
ChandSincere wish, The Moon, To shineChandanSandalwood, Auspicious, Perfumed
DeepA lamp, Brilliance, Beautiful, lightDeepakLamp, Kindle, Brilliance
DevrajRuler of godsYuvrajA prince
DhruvThe pole star or Constant or Faithful or FirmTaraStar, In Irish it means where the kings met
DanielGod is my judgeDavidBeloved
EhsaanPerfection or Excellence or Benevolence or CompassionImraanA Prophet’s name
EkantSolitary, SilenceVishantAnother name of Lord Vishnu
FarihDelightful and HappyFarizDetermined and Promising
HimirCalm and coldMihirThe Sun
HiteshLord of GoodnessRiteshLord of truth
HrithikTruthful, honestKartikA name of one of the month according to Indian Calendar, A Hindu month
JamesSupplanterJacobThe holder of the heel
JosephMay Jehovah add increaseJoshuaTo save
KanishCaring, thoughtfulKrishShort form of Lord Krishna’s name
KabirThe greatRanbirThe brave warrior
KrishAttraction, a name derived from the name of Lord KrishnaRishBrave and dominant ruler
KalyanWelfare, goodKulinHigh-born, noble
LakshayTarget, goal, AimAkshayForever, Infinite
LaurelLaurel treeHardyBold and courageous
LavaPieceKushTalented, Skillful, mastery
LalithElegantLohithRed, made of copper
MatthewGift of the LordMichaelWho is like god
MokshSalvationTakshGod Ganesha; Strong; Eyes Like a Pigeon
MridulSoft, Delicate or TenderMukulBlossom
ManavManAbhinavNovel or innovative
MohitOne who is attractedRohitRed
NayanEye, Decorum, directing, communityNamanBowing, salutation, to pay homage
NakulLord ShivaMukulBlossoming
NikhilUniversalNikhitSharp or Earth or Ganges,
NirpeshKing of kings or EmperorAdeshCommand, Message
NeerWater, one of the five elements, the essence of lifeVayuWind, Air, one of the fifth element
NamanBow to god or Salutation or RenownedKananA forest
NilayLord Vishnu’s name, HeavenVinayPolite
NahilQuenched, appeased, SatisfiedSahilSeacoast
PinankLord ShivaPiyushDairy milk
PrashantCalm and composedNishantDawn, break of the day
PunitPure or holyPriyamLove, Beloved
PralayEnding, DissolutionMalayFragrant, Sandalwood, A mountain range in south India famous for its spices. A mountain, Fragrant,
RonavHandsome, Gracious, Charming, good-looking, attractiveRonakRadiance or Celebration or Embellishment or Brightness or
ShishirA seasonMihirSun
SirajLight or LampDhirajPatience or Consolation
SnehLove and affectionVinayPoliteness and modesty
SiddhantMoral, PrincipleVedantHindu philosophy or Ultimate wisdom
SaranshSummaryDevanshDevine or part of god
ShwetWhite, PureShikharThe peak of a mountain, Ultimate
SuchetAlert, AttentiveSumedhWise, clever, sensible,
SatyamHonesty, truthnessShivamAuspicious, Another name of Lord Shiva,
TanvirBodily brave and strongRanvirHero of battle or war
TanaySonShanayAncient, immortal.
UdayBlue lotus, To riseUbhayBlessing
VelA divine javelin spear associated with Hindu war God Karthikeya, Lord MuruganVetrivelSon of Parvati
VeerA brave personDaiwikBy God’s grace
VivaanLord KrishnaVihanThe first ray of sun
VinithUnassuming, Knowledgeable, Modest, Venus, requesterVijithInvincible, Winner, unstoppable
VidyutA spark of lightning, BrilliantVibhutStrong, powerful
VirCourageous, Lightning, ThunderWarrior, Strong,VirenThe lord of warriors
WamanShort, the 5th incarnation of Lord VishnuWasanIdol, statue
WedantSomeone with knowledge of the Vedas, Theology; King of all The scriptures, a Vedic method of self-realisationSedantA variant of Siddhant, truth
YashVictory, reputation, glory, success, celebrityTejasLight, Brilliance, Gold, Power, Might, Sharpness, Brightness, Tip of the flame, honour, Fire, Spirit brilliance
YuvrajA princeVirajsovereignty, excellence or splendour
ZayantVictorious, StarZeehanBrightness, whiteness, Drought
ZianSelf-peaceZavianNew house, light, or a variant of Xavier
ZenilVictorious, Victory of blueZenithThe very top, peak

Twins Baby Girl Names 

Here are a few of the top twins baby girl names in India that you can choose for your young children.

AadhiraMoonAvaA voice, or a call from beyond
AaradhanaAdoration, WorshipAartiSinging praises to God, A form of Worship
AarushiThe first rays of the sunAhaanaThe first rays of the morning
AaryaIt is the name of Goddess Parvati; ‘Honourable, ‘noble and ‘wiseShaurya‘Power’ or ‘heroism’
Aasha‘Wish or ‘desireShaurya‘One who wishes’
AashiHappinessRashiA collection; sign
AbhinayActing, or expressionAbhinayaAn actor, or ‘the expressive one’
AboliA flowerKusumA flower, fire, the blossom
AditiFreedom, Mother of god, creativity, abundanceSmritiA memory, remembrance, wisdom
AhaanaFirst ray of the SunAarushiDawn, rays of the sun, flame, bright
AidenPowerfulUshaThe word for the first light of the morning
AleinaLightLeenaAnother name for Goddess Lakshmi; also means ‘splendour’
AlekhyaA beautiful picture or a fine paintingLekhyaEarth, or the entire world
AmalaIt is another name for Goddess Lakshmi; ‘the pure one’Kamala‘The one born of a lotus’, or the ‘Beautiful one.’
AmaniUsed to denote the coming of Spring seasonPavaniA name of Lord Hanuman; sacred, true
Amuda‘Divine nectar, which gives eternal lifeKumudaThe Sanskrit word for ‘Waterlily’ or ‘lotus.’
AmiraA princess, One who commandsSwaraA sweet musical tone, Self shining
AmishaBeautiful, without decept, Pure, Truthful, innocent and without deceptionAnanyaBeautiful, Goddess Parvati, Matchless, unique, different from others, charming
AnitaA person who loves to be joyfulSunitaOne with wisdom or great guidance
AnjaliRespectful, or the divine oneGitanjaliA devotional song, sung in praise of Gods
AnjanaThe name of Lord Hanuman’s motherAparnaAnother name of Goddess Parvati
AnshaPortionIshaA person who is the best at everything she does
Anupama‘Unique’ in SanskritNirupamaAnother word for ‘unique’, or ‘fearless.’
AnvikaPowerful, Someone who is completeAnshikaMinute particle, beautiful
AparnaA name of Goddess Durga or Goddess ParvatiSuvarnaLustrous, or similar to gold
ArchanaA homage to the GodsAparnaThe name of Goddess Durga
AriannaVery HolyBriannaStrong, virtuous, honourable
Asha‘Hope’ or ‘wish’ in SanskritJishaThe conscientious one, with great empathy
AsitaA name of River YamunaAsmitaA word for ‘nature’; also means ‘pride’
AsmitaSelf-respect, or prideSushmitaA woman with a dazzling smile
AsthaBeautifulSitaThe wife of Lord Rama
BinduA drop or a pointSinduA large water body, like a river
ChandanaThe Auspicious one; The one who smells like sandalwoodVandanaA bright star in the night, or ‘Worship.’
CharuSomeone who is pretty, pleasant, beautiful,cherished, Loved oneCharviA beautiful girl
DaiwikaLittle Goddess, Someone who is related to GodDiyaraA gift from the God
DevinaBlessing, Eyes of GodDevikaA minor deity, A river of the Himalayas
DipanjaliA homage to the Gods using lampsNavanjaliGraceful
DivyaA person with a divine auraNavya‘Young’, or ‘one who deserves praise.’
GangaThe river Ganga, which has aided the life of manyGauri‘Mother Earth’
GirijaA daughter of the Himalayan mountainsVanajaA daughter of forests and nature
GitaThe Bhagavad Gita, a Holy BookGitikaA small verse or song from the Gita
GouriAnother name of Goddess ParvatiSowriA bright star in the night sky
HaarikaAn extension of Lord VenkateshaViharikaThe one who embodies positivity
HaripriyaBeloved of Lord VishnuJayapriyaOne who is fond of victory
HaritaNature, or greeneryHaarikaAnother name of Goddess Parvati
HasiniThe one who is always laughing or joyfulSuhasiniOne who is constantly smiling
HemakshiWith golden eyesHemaGolden
HimanshiPart of the snow, iceEkanshiOf one part
IndraniAssociated with Lord IndraChandraniMoon-like or associated with the Moon
IswaryaA blessed oneSoundaryaThe one who embodies beauty
JalajaOne of the names of Goddess Lakshmi, it also means ‘lotus’VanajaA daughter of the forest
JayaThe victorious one; a name of Goddess DurgaVijayaOne who is never defeated
JaydaA prized possessionJaydenA variation of the name of the God of victories
JyotiAn ever-shining light, or flameJyotikaOne who is borne of a flame, or a light
KalyanThe wealthy one; also means joyfulKarthikaA variant of the name of Lord Murugan
KamalaOne who is perfect in every wayVimala‘White’ or ‘pure’ in Sanskrit
Kanya‘Daughter’ in SanskritKarthikaThe courageous one
KavanaPoemKavyaThe person who embodies beautiful poetry
KeertanaA song is sung in praise of the LordsSankeertanaA part of every devotional song
KeertiOne with a great reputation, or grand fameSamkeertiOne who is always famous
KetakiA flowerJuhiA flower, Jasmine, light
KirtiA variation of KeertiBharatiMother India; and another name for Goddess Saraswati
KritiA beautiful work of artKrishi‘Farming’ in Sanskrit
KyraThe SunMyraA fragrant resin obtained from a tree, sweet, admirable
LakshmiGoddess Lakshmi is the goddess of fortunesParvathiGoddess Parvathi is the wife of Lord Shiva
LasyaGraceful dance performed by Goddess ParvatiBhavyaAnother name for Goddess Parvati; ‘brilliance’ or ‘splendour.’
LavanyaThe Graceful OneKarunyaOne who is kind or compassionate to everyone
LeelavathiAnother name for Goddess DurgaKalavathiAnother name for Goddess Parvati
LekhaA ‘line’, or the border of the crescent moonSulekhaThe Fortunate one, or ‘distinguished.’
MadhubalaA sweet girlMansiA beautiful woman
Maya‘Illusion’ or ‘unreal’ in SanskritChhaya‘Shadow’ in Sanskrit
MayawatiA person who is full of illusionsLeelawati‘Graceful’ or ‘charming’ in Sanskrit
MeenaA jewel, or a rare stoneVeenaA musical instrument wielded by Goddess Saraswati
MeenakshiA person with wonderful eyesKamakshiA name for Goddess Parvati and Goddess Lakshmi
MeghanaCloud, River GangasMeghaCloud
MohiniEnchantress, charming, fascinatin, Jasmine, An AngelMenakaBeautiful, Celestial dancer, an angel,  Shakuntala’s mother
Mukti‘Salvation’ in SanskritYuktiOne with a strategic mind
MulyaSomething of great valueAmulyaA priceless object
NavyaSomeone who is deserving of praiseRamya‘Captivating’ or ‘delightful’
NayanaA person with beautiful eyesSunayanaA person with beautiful eyes
NeelaA person who is enchanting like the moonLeelaA worthy creation of God himself
NikhilaA complete personNirmalaOne who is pure beyond doubt
NikhitaRiver Ganga; also translates to ‘flowing’NishitaA person who is extremely dedicated to the task at hand
NilambariBlue like the skyKadambari‘Goddess’ in Sanskrit
Nisha‘Night’ in SanskritLishaA woman with great nobility
PadmaThe colour of a lotusSadmaA stroke of fortune
Pallavi‘Youth’, or the shoot of a plantAnupallaviVerses in devotional songs
PavitraThe Pure OneSumitraOne who is friendly towards everyone
PoojitaOne who is fit to be worshippedPremitaA woman with love for everyone
PoornaThe Complete OneSampoorna‘Full’ or ‘complete.’
Preeti‘Affection’ or ‘love’SwatiThe Goddess of Learning- Saraswati
Radha‘Wealth’ or ‘lightning’ in SanskritAnuradhaA bright star in the night sky
RadhikaAnother variant of RadhaRenukaThe mother of Lord Vishnu
Rajani‘Night’ in SanskritSujaniPleasant, or easy-going
Rajeswari‘Princess’, or the ‘Goddess of Kings’KameshwariThe Goddess of desires- another name of Goddess Parvathi
Ramya‘Captivating’, or ‘delightful’ in SanskritGamyaThe beautiful One
Rani‘Queen’ in SanskritVaniAn eloquent speech
Rekha‘Line’ in SanskritSurekhaA person who is beautifully created
Reshma‘Silken’ in SanskritKarishmaA miracle, or a gift from God
RiddhiFortunate, prosperity, wealth, success, superioritySiddhiPerfection, achievement
RitiMemory, well-beingAkritiShape, form
Roopali‘Shapely’ or beautifulSonaliMade of Gold; the Golden One

Perhaps the most crucial thing you can do for your kids is pick a name. Therefore, do as much research as you can, and give them names with amazing meanings because their personalities typically take on those meanings.

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