1 Jul 2022 | 3 min Read
Author | 2574 Articles
The moment you learn you are pregnant, the journey of feeling your baby growing inside you, starts. The joy of knowing that you are the only one that has the pleasure to feel the movements of your baby from the inside – every movement, every growth – is beyond what your imagined. However, have you ever been curious as to how this life inside you goes on to become your full-grown baby? Here is the monthly progress of your baby inside your womb
The moment you have conceived, it meanS the sperm has successfully penetrated the egg. A home pregnancy test can vouch for your positive pregnancy. After fertilization has taken place, the first three months are when a mother is prone to miscarriage. So, ensure to take precautions
The cell will divide into parts that later form the chest, arm and head. The embryo is growing into the shape of a coiled up baby.
Your little baby is about the side of a kidney, i.e., approximately 1 inch long. This month is crucial, so make an extra effort to eat healthy and take care of yourself in genera
By now, your baby has grown to the size of a pea pod (approximately 2-3 inches). Their fingers and toes have developed, giving them their unique fingerprints. You might feel slight movements and the baby’s heartbeat will be a faint continuous rhythm.
In your fourth month, your uterus will expand, which means your baby is growing in size and weight. Here comes in your baby bump! Your baby weighs around 142 grams. Its skeleton is stiffening from the soft cartilage that it was, and its heartbeat should be slightly more evident.
Your baby has grown to a length of 27 cm (with their legs stretched out). Your baby’s eyelids and eyebrows have developed. You will feel movements and probably a few kicks from the bundle of joy.
You are ready for an ultrasound. Frame your first baby picture for years later as a reminder of how tiny they used to be.
Your baby weighs around 600 grams. Their movements and body parts are developing into a firm body. Feeling kicks and pushes will be a lot more evident.
Your baby has almost developed into a perfect child. In case of a premature delivery, your baby is most likely to survive with intense supervision. Your baby weighs around 2kgs by now.
Your baby has developed completely and you are almost ready for delivery. You doctor will schedule sessions with you on a more regular basis.
Suggestions offered by doctors on BabyChakra are of advisory nature i.e., for educational and informational purposes only. Content posted on, created for, or compiled by BabyChakra is not intended or designed to replace your doctor's independent judgment about any symptom, condition, or the appropriateness or risks of a procedure or treatment for a given person.