Bringing A Newborn Home: What You Should Know

Bringing A Newborn Home: What You Should Know

15 Mar 2023 | 5 min Read

Manisha Pradhan

Author | 1053 Articles

Congratulations on the arrival of your little one! Bringing a newborn home can be an exciting but also overwhelming experience. 

Here are some tips to help make the transition easier for you and your baby.

What To Keep In Mind When You Are Bringing A Newborn Home 

Before bringing your baby home, it’s important to prepare your home. Here’s how you can prepare your home for your newborn:

Preparing the home

bringing a newborn home
Before bringing your baby home, it’s important to prepare your home and make it safe for the baby/ Image source: Instagram

Set up a safe sleeping space

Experts recommend that babies sleep on their backs in a crib or bassinet in the same room as their parents for at least the first 6 months. Make sure the sleeping space is free of any blankets, pillows, or soft toys that could pose a suffocation risk.

Stock up on supplies

Diapers, wipes, baby clothes, and blankets are just a few of the things you’ll need. Make sure you have enough supplies to last at least a week, so you don’t have to worry about running out in those early days. You could consider products that are natural like the BabyChakra products.

Baby-proof your home

As your baby grows, it’ll become more mobile and curious. Start baby-proofing early by covering electrical outlets, securing cabinets and drawers, and removing any small objects that could pose a choking hazard.

Car Safety While Bringing A Newborn Home From The Hospital

The car seat should be installed tightly and securely, with the harness straps snug against your baby’s body/ Image source: freepik

When it comes to car safety, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Make sure a car seat is installed properly

You’ll need a car seat to bring your baby home from the hospital, so make sure it’s properly installed ahead of time. The car seat should be installed tightly and securely, with the harness straps snug against your baby’s body. Read the instructions carefully or have a certified technician install it for you.

Use a rear-facing car seat

Your baby should always ride in a rear-facing car seat in the back seat of the car until they are at least 2 years old. This is the safest position for your baby in case of an accident.

Avoid using products not designed for car seat

Avoid using any products that are not specifically designed for your car seat. This includes headrests, strap covers, and toys that attach to the car seat. These items can interfere with the car seat’s effectiveness in protecting your baby in case of an accident.

Bringing A Baby Home From Intensive Care

Babies who have spent time in the ICU may be more vulnerable to infections and other health issues/ Image source: freepik

If your baby has spent time in the intensive care unit (ICU) before coming home, it’s important to keep a few things in mind.

Follow your doctor’s instructions

Your doctor may have specific instructions for caring for your baby at home, including feeding schedules, medications, and follow-up appointments. Make sure you understand these instructions and clear any doubts you may have.

Keep a close eye on your baby

Babies who have spent time in the ICU may be more vulnerable to infections and other health issues. Watch for any signs of illness, such as a fever, difficulty breathing, or lethargy, and contact your doctor if you’re concerned.

Get support

Caring for a baby who has spent time in the ICU can be emotionally and physically draining. Make sure you have a support system in place, whether that’s friends, family, or a support group for parents of premature or medically fragile infants.

Pro Tips For New Parents

As a new parent, you’ll be learning as you go. Here are some tips to help you along the way:

Take care of yourself

It’s easy to put all your focus on your new baby, but it’s important to take care of yourself, too. Make sure you’re getting enough rest, eating nutritious meals, and taking breaks when you need them.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Whether it’s from a family member, friend, or professional, don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. It’s okay to not have all the answers, and sometimes a fresh perspective or extra set of hands can make a big difference.

Create a routine

Try to establish a consistent schedule for feeding, sleeping, and playtime as babies thrive on routine. This will help your baby feel more secure and can make your life easier, too.

Take time to bond

Bonding with your baby is an important part of their development, and it’s also a special time for you as a new parent. Take time to snuggle, talk, and play with your baby to build a strong connection.

Be flexible

Even with a routine, things won’t always go as planned. Be prepared to adjust your schedule and expectations as needed, and remember that it’s okay to not have everything figured out.

With a little preparation and some helpful tips, you can ease the transition for both you and your baby. Remember to prioritise safety, take care of yourself, and enjoy this special time with your new addition to the family. Happy parenting!

Stock up on these natural baby care products if you are bringing your newborn home:

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Suggestions offered by doctors on BabyChakra are of advisory nature i.e., for educational and informational purposes only. Content posted on, created for, or compiled by BabyChakra is not intended or designed to replace your doctor's independent judgment about any symptom, condition, or the appropriateness or risks of a procedure or treatment for a given person.