12 Jan 2016 | 5 min Read
Baby Chakra
Author | 501 Articles
“He was so peaceful in the hospital, but now he cries ALL the time!” If that sounds familiar, then take heart in knowing that you aren’t the only one who has struggled with managing a newborn and their needs. A renowned book “Secrets of the Baby Whisperer” by Tracy Hogg and Melinda Blau suggests that babies have different personalities. Once you figure that out, you will take the guesswork out of looking after your newborn baby! So, we bring out the hacks to know different types of your baby’s personality. Keep on reading to find out!
Temperament: Temperament relates to a person’s behavioural style or how they behave.
Personality: A person’s character explains what they do or why.
The temperamental qualities arise early in life and become more stable as the infant grows older.
Baby has Easy-going, slow-to-warm, and energetic temperaments are the three main varieties.
Easygoing children are typically joyful and energetic from the moment they are born, and they adapt quickly to new circumstances and settings.
Children who take longer to warm up are often more watchful and quiet, and they may require more time to acclimatize to new surroundings.
1. The Angel Baby:
As the name suggests, this is the baby we all see in the TV commercials and is truly angelic. She is the kind of baby who smiles and giggles and is just blissful. This type of baby personality is neither going to be alarmed by new surroundings nor is going to create a fuss while traveling from one place to another. She will nap, feed and change without too much fuss and is even capable of calming her down with just a little snuggle and song.
Source: rusolclothing.com
2. The Textbook Baby:
This sort of baby is fairly predictable doing the expected at different growth stages and is quite easy to handle. She will eat like she is supposed to, sleep like she is expected to and will, in general, adhere to all the growth milestones that one reads about. This type of baby personality can keep himself occupied even in the early weeks after birth. Cooking and looking around when left alone is common for a textbook baby.
Source: dermatique.co.uk
3. The Touchy Bay:
For a touchy baby, the world is full of sensory experiences. So every loud sound or touch can be an unravelling experience. For these babies, quiet time is essential. Touchy babies also tend to have a high suck reflex, but that doesn’t mean she always needs to be fed; sucking on a pacifier if fussy even after a feed can work just as well. When touchy babies have too much happening around them – many visitors, travel or an active day, in general, they are likely to get fussy, because they need peace more often and need more reassurance from people they know well – their mum and dad!
Source: cuddleme2.files.wordpress.com
4. The Spirited Baby:
This baby has known her mind from day one. She seems to be born with her mind and is not afraid to express herself. Such babies may be demanding or even a little aggressive, but they just need to communicate more often. They might say their discomfort more loudly than other babies and may have jerky body movements. Such babies need to be swaddled tightly before they fall asleep, as their body movement might wake them
Source: photos.laineygossip.com
5. The Grumpy Baby:
The author suggests in her book that the grumpy baby is probably an old soul who is mad at the world. He will not smile or be particularly easy around bath times or new people. He can also find feeding challenging because grumpy babies tend to be impatient and can’t wait long enough to feel full during a feed. They also dislike being swaddled and can have long crying bouts. What parents of grumpy babies will need is – dollops of patience to deal with their baby’s temperament.
Source: upload.wikimedia.org
All genes and inherited elements that contribute to a person’s distinctive physical appearance, personality, and physiology are known as Nature.
Whereas, Nurture is described as a person’s various environmental elements that influence them, such as their early family, childhood experiences, culture, community, and social relationship.
The philosophical notions of empiricism and rationalism are connected to nature and nurture.
We are sure you recognised your baby personality types and personality development in babies somewhere, didn’t you? Now that you know the fundamental disposition of your child and how to connect with him, you will revel in the new things you discover about your bundle of joy every day!
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Suggestions offered by doctors on BabyChakra are of advisory nature i.e., for educational and informational purposes only. Content posted on, created for, or compiled by BabyChakra is not intended or designed to replace your doctor's independent judgment about any symptom, condition, or the appropriateness or risks of a procedure or treatment for a given person.