5 part time career options for moms of toddlers

5 part time career options for moms of toddlers

27 Dec 2015 | 3 min Read

Prisha Lalwani (Mummasaurus)

Author | 71 Articles

Today we have more mothers who have left jobs for family, than ones who never had a job at all! That constant battle between knowing what all you can do and knowing that all you can do is be with the family is a rather difficult and mentally draining one. Once your baby is a toddler or begins preschool, you may be finding yourself with some extra time on hand. You could look at options making the most of these hours and earning a few bucks! This could be a great confidence builder and may help you feel a bit more ‘worthy’ to your own self! Here are a few options you could explore based on your interests and bandwidth:-

1. Network Marketing and Sales

If you have a flair for sales and love meeting new people, pursuing Network Marketing for brands like Oriflame, Avon, Amway, Herbalife or ETL (educational toolkit for children) can be a good option. Once you acquire the knowhow, it’s easy to scale and the best part is that you decide the time you invest – anywhere from an hour to a full time role. The network helps you learn as well. Many men too have quit plush corporate careers to take this up full-time and are pretty content with it.

2. TTT – Train The Teacher

Several new age moms are pursuing courses in Teaching and learning methods like the Montessori Method, which enables them to start learning courses for very young children and toddlers. But this one may require some back up in terms of help from maids or a certain level of investment if you wish to start a venture of your own. You also need to have a certain degree of patience when dealing with such young children. But this can definitely help you train your child better, if not a source of income!

3. Family Business

If you have a family member carrying out a business which he/she like to grow, you could offer help and try using your existing skills and strengths. You will anyway have at-home guidance and with a short learning period, you will be good to go!

4. Interest Based Opportunities

If you have ever had the interest or curiosity to learn a new skill like reiki, homeopathy, Yoga, Pranic healing, behavioral therapy or possess amazing skills in baking, cooking, arts, crafts now is the time to start. Take a short course yourself or take classes or provide services based on the skill. The options in this category are endless as there is no limit to how much you can learn and share.

5. Internet based Businesses

Whenever you join a Mom group on Facebook, on most days what hits your eye is a promotional post about suits, sarees, jewelry, bags and several other accessories. These are usually put up by other moms who are trying to make a decent buck by enhancing their reach to customers through social media. There are certain products like these which people never stop buying despite the multiple options! The convenience of selecting through a picture and paying online makes it attractive for many.

Other opportunities include content writing, blogging, catering services, and several others available on job portals specifically meant for women interested in a part time career.

All you need to do is identify your skills, resolve to take something up other than home making and baby sitting and start working on it!

If you know of any mothers who is looking for pursuing a part time job, please share this with her!

Happy Freelancing Ladies!

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