ARIES: Time to explore new directions and begin new journey. Evaluate your options well and move ahead.
Lucky Color: Purple, Yellow, Orange
TAURUS: Romantic encounter, new relationship, follow your heart and take the leap of faith.
Lucky Color: White, Grey, Neon Green
GEMINI: You are over analysing, take the decision and move forward. Find a middle way.
Lucky Color: Maroon, Brown, Mauve
CANCER: Embrace the change, feel gratitude and contented, be open to share and give, god will be with you.
Lucky Color: Pink, Red, Orange, Yellow
LEO: Show kindness, forgive and forget, you will be relieved from some financial burden.
Lucky Color: Light Pink, All Shades of Green, Lemon Yellow
VIRGO: Let go off your past and open your heart and mind to receive. Consider the advice from experienced people.
Lucky Color: Navy Blue, Crimson, Light Green
LIBRA: Enjoy the small moments of life, hard work will pay off, invest sometime for yourself.
Lucky Color: Pink, Baby Blue, Military Green
SCORPIO: Something needs your immediate attention, you have sown well, but the reap will take its time, have patience.
Lucky Color: Red, Peach, Gold
SAGITTARIUS: Trust your intuitions and have confidence, believe in your capabilities and your team.
Lucky Color: Sparkling Yellow, Royal Blue, Mustard
CAPRICORN: Conviction and perseverance will help achieve your goals, career growth, gather your strength.
Lucky Color: Mauve, Orange, Dark Blue
AQUARIUS: Focus your thoughts on progressive ideas and leave away worries & regrets, Discipline yourself.
Lucky Color: Dark Grey, Off White, Navy Blue
PISCES: You see things getting completed and fulfilled, new opportunities, be genuine.
Lucky Color: Chocolate Brown, White, Aqua Blue
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