Top 16 Super Fruits To Eat During Pregnancy

Top 16 Super Fruits To Eat During Pregnancy

31 Jul 2019 | 8 min Read

Sayani Basu

Author | 607 Articles

During pregnancy, a nutritious diet plays a vital role in maintaining the overall health of the expecting mum and helps the body to function effectively, reducing the risk of some infections. Plus, eating plenty of fresh fruits during pregnancy can help to ensure that both the mum and the baby remain healthy.

Fresh fruits contain lots of essential vitamins and nutrients and are a good source of fibre too. Therefore, snacking on fruits good for pregnancy can be a great way to boost vitamin intake in addition to curbing sugar cravings. We have curated a list of fruits to eat during pregnancy.

5 Benefits Of Fruits During Pregnancy

Some of the key nutrients are obtained from fruits that can help the expecting mum and the baby in the following ways:

  1. Eating Fruits during pregnancy supply essential nutrients like beta carotene to the growing baby and help in the development of tissue and cells in the little one along with building a stronger immune system.
  2. The Vitamin C content in fruits is vital for the baby’s bone and tooth development. It helps the body to absorb iron, integral to the pregnancy diet. 
  3. Fruits are a powerhouse of folic acid, a water-soluble B vitamin which is a requisite during pregnancy. It prevents certain birth defects, including spinal cord and brain abnormalities.
  4. Fruits rich in fibre also help you deal with constipation in pregnancy and haemorrhoids, while iron-rich fruits prevent anaemia.
  5. Fruits are enriched with minerals like potassium that’s critical for maintaining the fluid and electrolyte balance in your body’s cells. Leg cramps, a common complaint during pregnancy, can be alleviated by consuming enough potassium.

Here Is The List of Top 16 Fruits to Eat During Pregnancy

Fruits for pregnant women play the most important part in your pregnancy diet. Now, the question is which fruits are good for pregnancy?

Some of the best fruits during pregnancy are:

  1. Oranges: It is a recommended fruit to eat during pregnancy being a great source of folate, or folic acid, oranges help you stay hydrated. Oranges are a great source of Vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps prevent cell damage.
is mango good for pregnancy
Consuming oranges during pregnancy ensures fetal brain development and aids in the formation of red blood cells. | Image Source: freepik

Consuming oranges during pregnancy ensures fetal brain development and aids in the formation of red blood cells.

  1. Mangoes: Is mango good for pregnancy?

Enriched with Vitamin A and C, mango in pregnancy is good as it aids digestion and provides relief from constipation.

A cup of chopped mango provides 100% of an expecting mum’s recommended daily allowance (RDA) of Vitamin C and more than a third of their RDA of Vitamin A.

A baby born with Vitamin A deficiency might have lower immunity and a higher risk of postnatal complications, such as respiratory infections. Therefore, mangoes are strongly recommended during pregnancy.

  1. Pomegranate: Pomegranate in pregnancy meets the nutritional requirements of the expectant mother.

Loaded with calcium, folate, iron, protein and Vitamin C, pomegranate is highly recommended during pregnancy.

According to medical research, drinking pomegranate juice can help to decrease the risk of injury to the placenta.

  1. Pears: Loaded with fibre, folate and potassium, pears are one of the best fruits during pregnancy.

Getting plenty of pears in a pregnancy diet can be a source of fibre and potassium that can help ease constipation and can benefit heart health for both the mother and the baby respectively. Potassium also stimulates cell regeneration.

  1. Avocados: Avocados have more folate than other fruits and contain healthful fats that provide energy and help to prevent neural tube defects in the little one.

Avocados also boost the cells that are responsible for building the skin and brain tissues of the developing baby.

Medical studies also suggest that avocados help relieve nausea in expecting mums, possibly because of the potassium and magnesium content in the fruit.

  1. Lemons: Lemons are a powerhouse of Vitamin C and help stimulate the digestive system to ease constipation.

According to a 2014 study, pregnant women reported some success in using lemons or lemon scents to help relieve pregnancy-related nausea.

The rich magnesium content in bananas ensures a healthy fluid balance.

The rich magnesium content in bananas ensures a healthy fluid balance and helps relieve nausea. | Image Source: freepik
  1. Banana: Banana during pregnancy tops the list of fruits to eat during pregnancy. It contains key nutrients such as folate, Vitamin C, B6, potassium and magnesium that help regulate your sodium levels.

Often, expecting mums complain about nausea and vomiting due to imbalanced fluid levels.

The rich magnesium content in bananas ensures a healthy fluid balance.

However, it is advisable to consume bananas in moderation as excessive intake of bananas can increase your body temperature.

  1. Dragon fruit: A rich source of good fats and carbohydrates, dragon fruits are recommended during pregnancy. Eating dragon fruit in pregnancy can help your digestive system bounce back to normalcy and ease constipation.

The iron content in dragon fruit also helps blood cells to improve the capacity of carrying oxygen by elevating the levels of haemoglobin.

  1. Kiwi: Kiwi is packed with nutrients such as Vitamin C, E, A, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, folic acid and dietary fibre and is a healthy choice during pregnancy.

Kiwis have a healing effect on the respiratory system and protect you from colds and coughs. Having a high phosphorus content, they also reduce the risk of blood clotting and help absorb iron. One of the best fruits during pregnancy for sure!

  1. Guava: Guava is enriched with Vitamin C, E, iso-flavonoids, Carotenoids and Polyphenols, integral to a healthy pregnancy.

Guava also improves digestion and provides strength to the developing baby’s nervous system.

  1. Apple: Eating apples during pregnancy is a healthy option as it can enhance the immunity and strength of your baby.

It also helps to reduce the risk of wheezing, asthma and eczema in your baby as he grows. Apples are a storehouse of nutrients and contain Vitamins A, E and D and zinc.

  1. Custard apple: Custard apples are packed with Vitamin A and C, which are vital for the development of the growing baby’s eyes, hair, skin and body tissues.
  1. Cherries: Cherries are a good source of Vitamin C and help fight infections such as the common cold.

Cherries also ensure that there’s an efficient blood supply to the placenta.

  1. Strawberries: Strawberries are enriched in vitamins, fibre and folate and contain manganese and potassium which are all integral to a healthy pregnancy.
  1. Blueberries: Blueberries are loaded with Vitamin C, folate, calcium and fibre and help develop your unborn baby.
  1. Chikoo: Chikoos are packed with electrolytes, Vitamin A, carbohydrates and energy and help you control dizziness and nausea during pregnancy.

5 Fruits to Avoid In Pregnancy

Did you know that some fruits should be avoided during pregnancy?

Some fruits contain latex and enzymes that can induce premature contractions and can break down proteins in the body, leading to abnormal bleeding. Here’s a list of fruits to avoid during pregnancy:

  1. Pineapple: Pineapple contains a type of enzyme called bromelain that softens the cervix, triggering uterine contractions. It can also lead to a miscarriage.

If you have a weak or sensitive digestive system, it’s advisable to avoid pineapple during pregnant.

best fruits during pregnancy
Grapes should be avoided during pregnancy as these generate heat in the body. | Image Source: pexels
  1. Grapes: It is advisable to avoid grapes during pregnancy, especially in the final trimester as grapes are known to generate heat in the body which is not good for both the mum and the baby.
  1. Bitter melon: Bitter melon should be avoided during pregnancy as it can irritate the uterus and cause premature birth or miscarriage.

Bitter melon has highly toxic components like momordicin, quinine and saponin glycosides which when absorbed in the body can result in extreme abdominal pain, nausea, rash and even diarrhoea.

  1. Frozen berries: Expecting mums should avoid frozen berries or anything that has been freeze-dried or frozen over extended periods.

The original flavour and nutrients in berries are lost when they are frozen. Plus, eating frozen berries can be toxic to both you and your unborn baby.

  1. Canned tomatoes: It is always a good idea to avoid canned items during pregnancy as they contain high amounts of preservatives and can be toxic to you and your growing baby.


Eating plenty of fruits during pregnancy provides pregnant mums with adequate nutrition to support their growing baby and minimises the risk of certain diseases and defects. It is advisable to eat at least five portions of fresh fruits each day. You can also consult a doctor if you have any doubts about the number of fruits to be consumed during pregnancy.


Which fruit is best in the first trimester?

Fruits like avocados, oranges, lemons, mangoes, berries and apples are best to consume throughout your pregnancy 

Which fruit juice is good for pregnancy?

Fruit juices of strawberries, beetroot, guava, orange, lemon, and apple are good for pregnancy.

What is the best time to eat fruits during pregnancy ?

Regardless of the time of day, eating fruits good for pregnancy is a delicious and healthy way to get plenty of nutrients for your body and the developing baby.



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