15 Jan 2018 | 3 min Read
Nitisha shah (Toddler at work)
Author | 14 Articles
Being a mom is the best thing that happened to me. The feeling that you have created something such innocent and beautiful human being is beyond words and cannot be described.
But once you have become a mom somewhere your old self the way you used to be gets lost.
You get so busy with the your child with his schedule food, etc, with other household work or
your professional commitment that finding time for yourself is somewhere in the backseat.
Movies, which initially would be like once a week, now become a rarity. Mall or street shopping
has become online shopping. Sometimes, your husband still goes out with his friends and we, women, are too tired to even move by the end of the day and we are
feeling depressed at what our life has become .We all, go through this phase at
some point, isn’t it?
I took some me-time off so as to enjoy each day in my life and not get depressed about the never-ending responsibilities at my disposal.Since, I love reading, I would make it a point to read on my Kindle, at night once my daughter is asleep as finding time in the day is difficult. The
satisfaction, which I got from reading is just too good and the next day, there is a new
joy and energy which one feels is truly great!!
Also, another thing which I like doing is watching TV. There are so many shows with different genre, which one can choose from. My all time favourites are- Amazing Race and Grey’s Anatomy.
So by taking sometime for yourself can help a long way in regaining your confidence and
feeling good about yourself!!
So here are a few things which you can do too::
– Watch a movie ( leave the baby at home with your husband on a Sunday and go watch a movie with a friend)
– Go for lunch with your mom.
– Read a book
– Start a new TV series
– Take a dance class
– Do yoga or go for a walk.
– Try a new recipe for dinner.
– Talk to a friend
– Sleep and do nothing is fine if that’s what you really wanna do.
So mommies go and have some me-time without any guilt!
Also read: 3 Yummilicious Recipes that Your Picky Eater is Sure to Enjoy
Explore the entire collection of articles: Real Mom Stories
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