Annaprashan Recipe: Nendra Banana Halwa

Annaprashan Recipe: Nendra Banana Halwa

27 Sep 2017 | 2 min Read

preeti shetty

Author | 18 Articles

Navratri is the occasion when many babies are introduced to their first solid food! If Annaprashan is on your mind then this recipe is a must-try! Made of the super nutritious Nendra banana, this dish is the perfect food for your little one to begin his/her weaning journey.



  • 2 ripe Nendra bananas
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • 1+½ tablespoons ghee




1. Cut the banana into small pieces and make a paste out of it in a mixer without adding any water.



2. Cook the banana paste for 5-7 mins in half the quantity of ghee. Keep stirring continuously.



3. Add sugar while stirring and add the remaining ½ tablespoon of ghee.



4. Once the banana mix forms a glutenous mass and all the incorporated ghee begins to separate, take it off the stove


5. Put it on a plate greased with ½ tablespoon of ghee and let it cool.



6. Cut it into desired shapes and serve.



Benefits of Nendra banana

  • This banana is of great nutritious value and it has a rich combination of energy giving elements, tissue building elements, proteins, vitamins and minerals.
  • It is a wonderful nutritious diet for easy digestion, which prevents diarrhoea and worm trouble.
  • The vitamins in bananas (particularly vitamins A, C, and E) can help protect your eyesight.
  • Boiled and mashed banana is excellent for kids even from the age of 4 months.

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