A Mom’s Personal 20-Item Checklist For Travelling With a Baby! Tell her what she missed.

A Mom’s Personal 20-Item Checklist For Travelling With a Baby! Tell her what she missed.

26 Jul 2017 | 4 min Read

Pragya Malaviya

Author | 1 Articles

I always lose my sleep a couple of nights before my day of travel. Is it just me? I literally go paranoid over travel and it stays with me until I actually finish my journey!


I traveled with my baby by air for the first time when she was a week away from completing five months and this time around, I decided to travel by train. I initially thought that my first travel by air was easier than the one with her in the train but it’s actually not so. It has little to do with the mode of transport, it’s more to do with your baby’s age and the duration of travel.


It’s much easier to travel with a younger baby in your arms than one who can crawl her way out! Now that I really think about it, the choice to travel by train at her age was the right decision. I chose train this time for two reasons: She is an explorer now and hates being at one place and I wanted her to have her train travel milestone in her first year.


The super fussy mom that I am, and the number of nights of sleep that I missed, I thought it’s a good idea to share my checklist of travel with this amazing moms’ community! Here goes my list!


Clothes – Pack according to the weather. Pack an extra pair of warm clothes or really summery ones according to the temperature of your destination. Include socks, pyjamas, thermal wear as you need…

To buy clothes for your baby, click here.


Medicines – The super essential ones being – for fever, stomach pain, first aid and any other supplements etc that your baby might be on.


Image Source: sciencenewsforstudents.org



Toys – Sort your baby’s favourites so that they come in handy

 To buy toys for your baby, click here.


Extra diapers – when you need them – you need them. There’s nothing like I will reach the destination and buy more!


Her everyday essentials – lotions, soap, oil, cream, talc, brush, comb, nail cutter – you know it better!

To buy diapers, click here.


Wipes – these are like your best friend. Never travel without these. They can save you from more reasons than you can even think of.

Image Source: thriftyfun.com

To buy baby wipes, click here.


Baby Utensils – feeding bottles, sippers, bowls, spoons. Pack extra ones and don’t forget to sterilise them all.

Baby food – Try keeping variety. Atleast three. These tiny ones can’t be understood ever. Formula/ cereal/ both.

To buy ready made, healthy baby foods, click here..


Boiled water for them and some extra too. I even traveled with the electric kettle once. If you have steriliser, even better.


Power charger for your mobile phone. Well, this is not something your baby may need but definitely a lifesaver for you in case of emergency! Even better to have your pediatrician’s contact number handy.


Click here to find a good pediatrician in Mumbai, Delhi or Bangalore.


Mosquito Repellent.

You can buy a mosquito repellant here.



You can buy a Handwash here.




Diaper rash cream.

You can buy a Diaper rash cream here.


All purpose antiseptic cream.


Extra plastic bags for a lot of things you may need to store – used wipes, diapers, clothes etc.


Extra foldable bag to carry anything extra that you may end up buying during your travel.


Some not-so-essential items: milestone cards, camera, feeding pillow, nursing cover etc.


Baby Mats – Changing mat, rubber sheets, disposable mats and so on.


Blanket/ Quilt/ Swaddle/ Wrap.


A couple of small hand towels.


Phew! This is my all inclusive checklist for my travel. Let me know if you think I missed something!


Safe Travels with your baby!


Also Read – What You Should Include in Your Baby’s Travel Kit!, Are you prepared enough for travelling with your baby?


Explore the entire collection of articles: Real Mommy Stories


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To read the original post, click here.

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