There are times when we are supposed to visit a hospital with our new born . Either it may be due to vaccination for the baby itself or attending a family member inside the hospital . Or the entire pregnancy we have to make several rounds to the hospital for blood tests , sonography or regular check ups . In all these circumstances the baby and the Mother / would be Mother is exposed to a number of virus. No doubt the hospitals these days are trying to maintain their hygiene but contamination by air or physical contact is inevitable due to a number of patients with a variety of illnesses visiting these places . Here are a few guidelines we can follow to avoid getting sick due to our visit to a Hospital.
Firstly if it's an exclusive Maternity Hospital then things are half solved . This implies that other patients with viral and communicable disease won't be coming so chances of infections are less due to only a specific category of patients visiting the premises . Secondly if it's a general hospital, then you can sprinkle a few drops of eucalyptus oil on your and the baby's clothes as it repels the viruses and bacterias thus forming a shield around us ensuring that we breathe healthy air.
Thirdly you can go home and change and bath with good antiseptic soap . Fourth always try to go to any hospital with your stomach full as it reduces the chances of infections .The basic reason here is if your stomach is empty you will tend to inhale more air while breathing through your nose and mouth both which might be impure at times . (This advise was given to me when I was working in Delhi and used to visit the LRS TB hospital to train the doctors and staff for hospital waste management.) Fifth , they used to tell me to carry some jaggery along and eat it which prevents infections and has a good absorption power. We can lower the risk of infections by following these guidelines and stay healthy !