As we all know It's been raining heavily from past 3 days and in 3 days itself we can see the result of half of the Mumbai as its flooded at most of the places😯
So this made me think a lot about how important and vital role nature plays in our life. Especially TREES, yes many other factors are there too but nothing can bit NATURE✌️
Here are some benefits that we get from nature/tree & I think we know but have to realize it again that they are beautiful and majestic🥰
🍀We need them for oxygen / good health and improving air quality. 🍀It also helps to control pollution, they absorb carbon dioxide. 🍀They cause rainfall and protect water resources under the ground. 🍀Their root systems slow and stops rain runoff by absorbing exces water. 🍀It also help prevent flooding and soil erosion, absorbing thousands of litres of stormwater. 🍀It grows the economy